Friday, May 8, 2015

Dance Recital 201

This was Mr.G's first year of Clogging and he loved it. The back stage crew told me his reaction after the first performance. 
" That was AWESOME! They totally loved us."
Mr. B did a duet this year, but being so involved with the show back stage I wasn't able to get a picture of them. They did a fabulous job though. So proud of him, and his hard work.
 Miss M's hair was crazy this year. Instead of a ballet bun they wanted half up and curly. The first time we did it, it took 2.5hr. The next time we got creative and only curled the sides, bottom, and the very top layer of her hair. That only took 1hr. She did a Clogging number as well as her Ballet this year. She enjoys dancing a lot, and would take every class they offered it we could afford it.

 Mr. W made a very convincing Pirate on the Frigate that Flies. He was superb this year. I love his enthusiasm for performing, and his love of dance.

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