Friday, September 20, 2013

Fabulous Fall Fun

Today was a PD Day for the public school Mr. B attends this year, so we made some leaf decorations. The boys make a wonderful picture frame and Miss. M made a leaf mobile. We found the original idea for the mobile from this blog on Pinterest. The boys made it up as they went along.

For this project the boys found 4 small sticks outside in the yard. We glued the sticks together with a hot glue gun and glued fabric leaves form the dollar store to 2 corners of the frame.

 The materials list for the mobile we made:
1. Leaves( we used fabric ones from the dollar store)
2. String (we used fishing line)
3. 2 stick we found outside
4. Hot glue gun and glue sticks
5. Beads

The first thing we did was lash our 2 sticks crosswise to form an X, and then we cut 4 longer stings and 1 shorter string for the middle. You can cut how ever many strings you want.  We set the strings aside for later.

The next thing we did was design the pattern we wanted the leaves and beads to hang in.

After finalizing the design we placed a strip of hot glue on the back of a leaf and laid the string in the glue to attached the leaf to the string. An other way would be to glue 2 leaves together with the string in between the leaves. We started at the end of the string and worked our way up to the top alternating leaves and beads. In order to get the bead to sit in the middle of the string we tied a knot in the string and then added the bead on the string and then tied a knot on top the bead to make it look symmetrical.
We tied one longer string to each limb of the X stick we made at the beginning, and the short one we tied in the center of the X. For the final step added a sting to the middle of the X to hang the mobile form.

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