Friday, September 27, 2013

More Clay Figures

We were having way to much fun making things out of clay to stop, so here are a few more shots of our creations.

Clay Creatures

What has 3 body parts, 6 legs, antennae, and usually at least one set of wings? If you guessed INSECTS then you are absolutely  right. Learning about these fabulously creepy creature(my opinion not my boys) is a lot of fun. After spending some time learning about the different parts of insects, we made some of our own insect models out of moulding clay.

M's Bee

W's ant
After the insect models were constructed, the kids decided to branch out on the creatures they would mould. We had a crab, a lion, a family of snails, and a crocodile.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Tasty Tuesdays

Ever wondered WHAT'S FOR DINNER? In order to get over the same old same old we are having Tasty Tuesdays. These are days where we make something we've never tried before.  These 3 dishes were a hit. Now they can be integrated into our everyday meal reutine. For recipes click on the name of the photos


                                                                        PIZZA RING
                                                          adapted from taco ring recipe

Friday, September 20, 2013


Mr. W and Miss M's creation after the math lesson on growing patterns. They wanted to use up all the math manipulatives, and they did.

Self Protraits

I thought it would be fun for the kids do draw a self portrait.  Mr. W, was real excited for this. He sat down took, out him pencil and proceeded to draw himself until he was completely finish and could no longer think of details to add. Miss M, was a different story. She wanted to make her drawing look exactly how she saw herself in the mirror. The hardest part for her was the nose. We had a really good laugh as I sat and watched her draw, and redraw her nose many, many times. Finally she just gave up trying to make it perfect, and continued on with the rest of the drawing. I think the results were pretty fabulous myself.

Miss M
I love how she decided to make her hair go over her ears, so she did have to draw them.

Mr. W
My favourite part of his picture are the ears. Love the detail.

Fabulous Fall Fun Part 2

With the left over craft supplies from our picture frame and mobile the kids made some little leaf people I thought were very cut and creative. The ones with only 1 eyeball are alien leaves. They even gathered for a family picture in the frame the boys made earlier.

Fabulous Fall Fun

Today was a PD Day for the public school Mr. B attends this year, so we made some leaf decorations. The boys make a wonderful picture frame and Miss. M made a leaf mobile. We found the original idea for the mobile from this blog on Pinterest. The boys made it up as they went along.

For this project the boys found 4 small sticks outside in the yard. We glued the sticks together with a hot glue gun and glued fabric leaves form the dollar store to 2 corners of the frame.

 The materials list for the mobile we made:
1. Leaves( we used fabric ones from the dollar store)
2. String (we used fishing line)
3. 2 stick we found outside
4. Hot glue gun and glue sticks
5. Beads

The first thing we did was lash our 2 sticks crosswise to form an X, and then we cut 4 longer stings and 1 shorter string for the middle. You can cut how ever many strings you want.  We set the strings aside for later.

The next thing we did was design the pattern we wanted the leaves and beads to hang in.

After finalizing the design we placed a strip of hot glue on the back of a leaf and laid the string in the glue to attached the leaf to the string. An other way would be to glue 2 leaves together with the string in between the leaves. We started at the end of the string and worked our way up to the top alternating leaves and beads. In order to get the bead to sit in the middle of the string we tied a knot in the string and then added the bead on the string and then tied a knot on top the bead to make it look symmetrical.
We tied one longer string to each limb of the X stick we made at the beginning, and the short one we tied in the center of the X. For the final step added a sting to the middle of the X to hang the mobile form.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Track Meet 2013

This years Track Meet was super fun. We had nice warm weather, and no one got hurt. M got 3rd place all around, and W had 2 first place ribbons 1 second place ribbon, and 2 third place ribbons. Little G ran the 100 meter run with W grade and he won 5th place.  Not too shabby, for being 3 years younger then everyone else.

 One of the biggest highlights of the day was the COOLEST EVER  face painting.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Year Opener

Just a few pictures form our visit to 
Uncle Mike's Private Petting Zoo
Well, okay, maybe not a real petting zoo, but they have a number of pets. They have a Garter Snake, Bull Snake, Leopard Gecko, Bearded Dragon, Gold Fish, and a dog.They also have  cats, Hamsters, and Frogs. Oh I almost forget the chickens, and all the other creatures like Super Worms and crickets to feed the other animals. 
Did I mention he's a Science teacher?

Leopard Gecko

Bearded Dragon