Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cha Cha Cha Chia

W was wondering if he could grow some Chia seeds, so we decide to do an experiment to find out. W got all the supplies need, and put his knowledge of plant needs to use. Here is what he did.

Find out if you can grow chia seeds.

Chia seeds
Plastic sandwich bag
Paper towel or toilet paper
Clean Water
Suction Window hanger or tape

First you have to collect all needed materials. Then you can get the paper towel damp with some clean water. Place the chia seeds on the damp paper towel. Next, carefully transfer the seeds into the plastic bag. Hang the bag in a window that gets lots of sunlight and check it everyday to see what happens. Record what you see everyday in a science journal.

The seed started to grow after the first day, and just kept getting bigger and bigger.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 5

Day 7

Yes, you can grow chia seed, and you can even eat them too. They are nutritious as well.

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