Saturday, June 15, 2019

Puppy Love

February was a full of emotions as we had to say good-bye to our beloved Sandi. She was a very loving dog that had a place in all our hearts. To top things off, the news of her illness came the same day we were handing her puppies off to their new owners. On the bright side, we were able to retain Chewbacca because the new owners back out of the deal due to his minor hernia. Live is full of cloudy days, but if you're looking you will always find a silver lining. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Kun Kar Rally 2019

Mr. G won third place in his Kub Kan Rally with his 
"Demolition Durgy" car. I love this kids enthusiasm for life. He is always sporting a grin and looking for ways to serve others. If there is hard physical work to be done, he is the first one to jump in and volunteer to do the dirty work.

Building Towers

Science and Cubs sometimes go hand in hand and can be very exciting. Especially when marshmallows are involved. The challenge was for each group to build the tallest free standing tower.  Each group were given the following items:
1. Set time frame 
2. Set number of marshmallows
3. Set number of tooth picks and skewers
 Mr. G's group won the challenge and he was every pleased with how his knowledge about building structures came in handy. 


This year all the kids took a tumbling class to help them improve their core strength. Improving their core strength aided in the development of their other activities such as dance. It also helped us to keep fit throughout the winter months. Miss M was a student teacher for 2 tumbling classes and 3 ballet/tap classes. The freedom a home education has afforded my children is priceless. Absolutely enjoying life to the fullest each day is such an amazing reward of shooting at home. 

Each one of my kids were able to set and reach a goal in their respective classes. I love being able to see the smile on their face when they achieve goals they set for themselves.


It has been a long, cold winter, and we all needed to get out of the house. Ironically we went ice skating. Choosing an activity that would have actually given us a break form the cold, like swimming, would have made to much sense. I guess our Canadian roots run deep. 

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump

 I love learning about different cultures, and this is one of my favourite places to visit in Southern Alberta. The guides are very informative. Our guide was very open and honest to the questions that were asked of him, and the kids loved how he just told it like it was. No sugar coating.

 We got to learn about different types of tools, how they made them and their uses.

 Then we even got the opportunity to take down, and erect a TIPI. Little leaf, our guide, told us he can take down and put up a large Tipi by himself in 12 min.

 He gave the kids a round of applause when they finished putting up the TIPI.


And then there were 7. Our dog had 6 Puppies on 
New Years Eve!!!!
Naturally, we took the opportunity to have a science lesson on 
LIFE (and all that entails), and now we are learning about responsibility. Next will come money management as we get ready to sell them.

Chocolate Black Bean Cookies

Our aunt is inspiring us to make
 treats. They are delicious and we don't feel yucky after eating them.(They disappeared as fast or faster than the sugar filled ones)

Water color - Fireworks

We went to a friends house to learn how to paint with
 water-colours. It was fun to see how circles on page could magically turn in to fireworks in the sky.

Cinnamon Bun Math ?

In the spirit of discovering everyday applications to the subject we are learning in our studies we made cinnamon buns. I didn't get a picture of the proofing yeast, but it was spectacular. The kids enjoyed using the skills of: measuring, adding fractions, mixing solutions, growing/feeding organisms, understanding gases, chemical change, etc.