Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Annual Bowling Trip

 These little monkeys love to go bowling with the school. It's one of highlights of our year

Sweet and Sassy

This cake is almost as SWEET as this little girl.
Little Miss A had a birthday, and we celebrated it with a 
Lollipop Cake
Photo Shoot

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Hard Work Pays Off

This year Mr.B and Miss M worked hard all year cleaning the studio to help pay for their dances lessons. It was a good experience for them to earn money for the things they want. Plus the time spent together was priceless.

Dance Photos 2017

 This year I thought I would take some behind the scene shots during the long day of dance photos. I was really pleased with the  results. Miss M was having way to much fun posing for the camera.  I am excited to see the final results from the professional photographer.( that will be another post)
Miss M, was in 4 different dances this year, and Mr. B, was in 3.