Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Kub Kar Rally 2015

It's that time of year again. KUB KAR RALLY.

The Reese car was the fastest one this year.

Mr. G cheering on his brother.
MR. W's car was in the TOP 4 Race off this year. He was pretty excited about that. 

Mr. W watching the races very intently with his Pack.
Miss M's selfy  

Asperagus Valentine

Not your typical Valentine's Day post, but for our special dinner we ate: 
Whole wheat pasta with a homemade spaghetti sauce, topped with fried AsperagusZucchini, and Mushrooms. Mmmmm!
Mr. W wanted proof that he tried ASPARAGUS. Much to my surprise Mr. G requested it again the following day.

Learning to Skate

This was Mr.G's first time on skates. He was doing quite well by himself, but was really thankful a friend lent him a skating buddy. By the looks of their faces I think we may have to look into a more extensive skating program next year. Who knows, maybe even some Pond Hockey might be in there future.

Mr G. is going BUG EYED from all the BASKETBALL, but supporting family members is a very important life skill. It is one that all the kids will hopefully pass on to their own families one day. The best part was at the end of the SEASON when MR. B's team took FIRST PLACE in their division.

Snow Cave's are the best. That and BIG brothers.