Friday, January 2, 2015

Ginger Bread Houses

Art in the Christmas season can take many forms. Today we made 3D figures out of Gingerbread, icing, and candy.  The best art is the kind you can eat.


Bananas for Quinoa

Who says birthday cake can't be healthy. This cake was made mostly out of Quinoa. There were no complaints, only kids begging me for more. The recipe is quite easy. The only thing I would suggest is: if your batter is not a little bit runny add a tiny bit of water to it before baking if you want a moist cake.

Fresh Veggie Pizza

Cream cheese mixed with dill, spread over puff pastry crust, and  topped with fresh veggies.

We are the Comets Part 2

Mr. B is at it again. This time it is Basketball. With over 22 kids trying out for the team he was really stocked to make it. He has lots of learning to do, but with a lot of practice (which they do) he will be dominating the floor in no time. 

New Activities

Mr.G started Clogging this year

 Mr.B Started playing the Clainet

Packages for Peru

This year wanted to take the opportunity to share our good fortune with the children of Peru. We made up some fun little kits for children that live with their mothers in jail in Peru. We made one for a girl, and one for a boy. Some of the things that we included in the kits where:

  • toothpaste
  • toothbrushes
  • gum
  • toys
  • treats
  • hair brush
  • soap

Halloween 2014

Carving pumpkins would have to be my favourite part of Halloween. I have to admit I am not crazy about Halloween BUT this one was not bad. The weather for Halloween was incredible this year, and enjoyed watching the kids run around having fun is their costumes. I do enjoy a good family party too.


Thanksgiving 2014

Just a few pics of the activities we did over Thanksgiving this year. We were able to sped it with family we hadn't seen in a while. It's always great to reconnect, and build those friendships so we can know who we are and where we came from. We are very thankful for FAMILY.

We are the Comets

Mr. B made the Volleyball team. I was a little nervous at first because it is a brand new sport for him, but he did really well. Their coach was super positive and worked well with the boys. He even let Mr.G sit on the bench with them every game, and when they won 2nd place in a tournament they gave him a medal too for being part of the team (their mascot/assistant coach). Mr. B  received MVP of the Tournament. I was a proud Mama. 

Life Experience

The joys of being a young rambunctious boy. Mr. G was so good at being patience while they removed his first cast. I have a feeling it will not be the only one he has is his life time.