Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Cleaning Water

After this science experiment with water pollution we decided it was much easier to keep water clean in the first place than it is to try and clean pollution out it.
We started off with a nice clean bowl of drinkable water.
Then we added all sorts of thinks from cooking oil and pepper to  spices,and vinegar. These were  all things we can eat. Then we added not eatable things like paper, sting, and plastic to name a few.

  We removed as much of the pollution as possible with salad tongs, and as you can see it was hard to get it all out of the water. By the time we were done, not one of us would even consider drinking the water.

Simple Machines in Everyday Life

Sitting inside at a desk is really hard when it is so beautiful out side, so we decided to take a Field Trip and find some Simple Machines we use in everyday life. By the look on their faces I would say it was a very successful activity.

Growing Clerey

Here are some pictures of the different stages of growing celery. All we did was cut the end off a celery stock and place it in a small dish with some water. Then eventually we placed it in some dirt.