Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Inuit Fun

The last few weeks we have been learning about the Inuit People. We have been comparing our way of life to theirs. We have found that in some ways we are similar, and in others we are very different. We tried to make a few of the things they use to help them with their way of life, like SNOW GOGGLES and an IGLOO. The kids had a lot of fun making them and them trying them out afterwards.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Update on Cutting

 It has been a while since we started our experiment to see if we could take a cutting from a Begonia and have it grow. The conclusion we came to is YES you can grow more Begonia plants form a cutting of a Begonia plant.

Valentine Crafts

Getting ready for this year's day of LOVE!
Each of the kids designed their own Valentine's Day canvas'. We looked on Pinterest for some ideas. Then I let them have free range at the art center. I am always amazed at the final results.


Loom Bands

Just a few samples of the Loom Band Bracelets  made in our house  the pasts few days. It all the rage right now and super fun to make.