Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Marathon Running

Mand B participated in a kids marathon today with some cousins and thier aunt, along with about 2000 other people. They started logging miles back in May and logged 25 miles, then all the kids joined together to run the last mile together. It was a great way for the kids to get out and get active.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Little Dancers

M and B enjoyed their dance lessons this year. The highlight of the year was of coarse the year end recital. They both did really well, and they both want to continue next year.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Learning Games

Cool Math Games is a really fun and educational site. One I strongly recommend if you are looking for a kids friendly games site. My kids are crazy about it. They love the games, and are unaware they are learning while they play. I enjoy the games just as much as the kids to. They have all sorts of games from math to spelling and problem solving.