Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Why Wetlands? 
What is wet, soggy, a great habitat, and worth protecting? Wetlands, thats what. Wetlands are wet, soggy, and a great habitat for animals and insects. Some species of animals like  the wood duck, can’t live without wetlands.                                                                                                   Wetlands are the area between land and water. Some wetlands hold water temporarily while others hold water permanently . There are different types of wetlands such as swamps, marshes and bogs. Antarctica is the one place on the planet where you will not find even one wetland.   
The Arctic has swamps , marshes and bogs. The Cost line has many different types of wetlands such as man grove forest, cost swamps and tidal marshes. Island regions have ponds, marshes, swaps, vernal pools and riparian systems. 
        Wetlands help humans as well as animals.  They have many functions such as preventing flooding, filtering water, and provide a buffet of food for the  animals that live there.  If we destroy the wetlands many species of animals may become endangered or extinct.  
I believe that wetlands are very important, and I hope you will  help protect them.  Not only do they benefit wild life, but mankind as well.

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