Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Planting a Garden

For our unit on learning about plant needs and life cycles we decided to plant a garden in the back yard. M and B got to plan how they were going to plant the garden, and buy the seed they would need to plant. They had to find out how to plant each of the different seeds and what they need to grow.

Dad and Grandpa ran the rototiller to prepare the soil for planting.We had to find the proper tools to help us make out jobs easier. Not to sure how the toque helped us, but the gloves protected our hands so we didn't get blisters from the hoe.We made rows to help keep the different planst organized for when we need to weed, and to give the palnts right spacing they need to grow properly.
M spacing the seed very carefully. B gently covering the seeds. Cutting up the seed potatoes.Garden is all planted ready for watering.

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