Saturday, May 7, 2011


For Mother's Day the kids wanted to make something special. We decided that we would make a Brag Board. A Brag Board is a place to hang up special pictures or drawing that your kids or grand kids have made.

To make this project you will need: a board about 3 feet long and 2-3 inches wide, or how ever big you would like it to be. Paint(any color you like)- we used craft paint form the dollar store. We used many colors but you can make it any color you like.Paint brushes we used a sponge brush to paint the board and smaller brushes for the close pins and letter.Close pins. We used 13 on our board. Wood glue and a pencil.

Place the board on some paper or cardboard, so you don't get paint on any other surface. Cover the board with a coat of paint and let it dry. Repeat 2-3 times so you completely cover the board.You may want to turn your board on its side to paint the edge, or leave it flat. While you are letting the board dry you can paint you close pins. They may need 2 coats of paint as well. Remember to paint the inside of the close pins. Before they are completely dry you will need to open them up and make sure they are not painted shut.

After your board and close pins are painted and dried you are ready to put the letters on the board.
We penciled our letters on the board first and then traced over them in paint.

We placed the close pins on the board alternating the openings on the top and bottom edges. Then one by one we put a little dab of wood glue on the bottom and spread it out with a Q-tip so it was even and not to thick, and placed it in its spot back on the board. Remember to follow in sturctions on you wood glue bottle. We didn't use clamps but it for a stronger hold it would plrobably best.

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