Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Paper Maché Globe

Getting dirty is definitely the funnest part of paper maché, well that is if you like messy play. In social B is learning about different communities around the world, so we thought it would be fun to make our own globe. The first thing we needed was a shape to cover. We used a blown up balloon. We then made the paste. We did this by mixing flour and water together. Recycling our old phone books was part of project, so we ripped the pages into long strips. Then came the messy fun part of dipping the paper strips into the paste making sure they were completely covered. Then gently running the strips through 2 fingers to wipe off access paste. Placing the wet strips on to the balloon in any direction we cover the entire surface. Over lapping is just fine. After covering the balloon we let it dry, and then covered it with a second layer to make sure it was sturdy. After the second layer was dry it was time to paint. Painting the globe for B was quite fun. He really enjoys using paints, as well and Little W, G. Adding the continents was the finishing touch. In order to get the right shapes we consulted our Atlas of the World. M and B took turns drawing and cutting out the continents and taped them in the appropriate place on our globe.

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