Friday, March 25, 2011

Building Designs and Materials

I feel that kids understand and retain concepts better when they can be hands on. Whether it is drawing a picture of something of doing an experiment. In science B and M were learning about different types of materials we could build with and different types of designs. Which types of designs and materials worked better than others for different purposes or situations. We also learned that there is not only one way to do things. There can be several different ways to get the desired result. The marble tracks they built were a good indicator of this concept. They could start the marble at 3 or four different points and get the same end result or destination. Here are some of the hands on projects we came up with to put there findings to the test, and just have fun. They played for hours with they creations and they regularly make new ones. The marble track and log building set they were definitely worth every penny.

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