Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Jr. Science Day - Structures

Every once in a while we have a special science day where a REAL SCIENTIST comes from the local university and teaches the kids about science. This time they were learning about STRUCTURES. There were 4 different stations to help teach the kids different aspect to think about when designing a bridge. Then at the end of the class they were to design and make a bridge out of paper that could hold a 10b stack of newspaper.

 I was a parent volunteer, so I was only able to take pics of the station I was helping out with. In this station the kids were learning about FORCES.
 Out of the whole group of kids MR.W was the first to figure out how to make a ruler stand up with a string and 2 pieces of tape.(Proud Mommy Moment). Mr. G was in the same group and quickly followed Mr.W lead. There was only one other kid that was able to figure it out on their own.

I missed the  picture when it was holding the stack of newspaper in the background on the chair, but it did hold it up.

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