Wednesday, February 8, 2017


For Christmas we got an Amaryllis bulb. We decided to plant it right away,

and see if the plant would proceed through the step they described on the box it came in. At first it took about and extra week to start really growing at all. Then is started growing like CRAZY.

The first time we measured January 15, 2017, it was 9 cm tall.
The next day it was 12 cm.  On the 17th is was 15cm, the 18th 21cm, the 19th  28cm, and on the 20th it was 37.5 cm tall
The next sunday January 22, 2017 it was 45 cm tall.
Soon we had to add a support to strengthen the stem and help us measure its growth. By January 25th it had grown to 62 cm in height.

By January 27, 2017 it reached 69 cm. This was almost twice the height that the packaging said it would grow.
After growing to 75 cm it finally started to bloom.
It has 4 blossom on the top that point in different directions.
I am amazed at this magnificent plant, and the beauty that it is.

Mr. G's Special Day

 We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint. When you turn 8 you have the opportunity to be baptized if you so choose and become a member of the church. Mr. G chose to take this important step in his life, and we were even able to share this special day with the blessing of a new baby cousin. Just to clarify, we do not believe in baptizing babies. We believe in baptism by immersion at the minimum of age 8, which is the age of accountability. We do how ever give babies a  name and a blessing.


 Miss M is on the CHEER SQUAD! She absolutely loves it. They even went to competition and took home second place. 

Jr. Science Day - Structures

Every once in a while we have a special science day where a REAL SCIENTIST comes from the local university and teaches the kids about science. This time they were learning about STRUCTURES. There were 4 different stations to help teach the kids different aspect to think about when designing a bridge. Then at the end of the class they were to design and make a bridge out of paper that could hold a 10b stack of newspaper.

 I was a parent volunteer, so I was only able to take pics of the station I was helping out with. In this station the kids were learning about FORCES.
 Out of the whole group of kids MR.W was the first to figure out how to make a ruler stand up with a string and 2 pieces of tape.(Proud Mommy Moment). Mr. G was in the same group and quickly followed Mr.W lead. There was only one other kid that was able to figure it out on their own.

I missed the  picture when it was holding the stack of newspaper in the background on the chair, but it did hold it up.


Mr G's fun exciting adventures with Geodes. Not only are they fun to read and learn about, but they are even more fun to smash.  That is the best part of all. Anything that involves smashing rocks, or anything for that matter, equals a good time in this kids books.