Thursday, October 8, 2015


In order to earn part of a CUB BADGE Mr. W 
had to take part in some sort of marathon or 
bike-a-thon. We set up our now BIKE-A-THON, and invited the Homeschooling Community to join us, but we didm't get any other participants.( Maybe next year) Miss M and Mr. G join him in his bike adventure, and they enjoy the beautiful September weather. 

Mr. W  set a goal of biking100 KM in the month of September. I wasn't quite sure if the kids would be able to do it, but they were able to reach their goal, and even surpassed it. I never should have doubted them. As a prize for reaching their goal I SURPRISED them with their very own BOOGIE BOARD!!!!!
This little Q-T PIE even joined in on the bike rides in her bike buggy.

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