Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Real Buffalo

We were lucky enough to come across a live Buffalo Herd on our way home from Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump. Needless to say the kids were extremely EXCITED!

Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump

Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump was a SMASH. Pardon the pun. We all had a great time learning about the Blackfoot Tribe, and how they used to survive off the land. The way they were able to use the entire caracas of the buffalo they kill was nothing less than remarkable. They truly lived the concept of waste not want not. If people today would be more resourceful like there were, we probably wouldn't have as many environmental issues as we do.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


In order to earn part of a CUB BADGE Mr. W 
had to take part in some sort of marathon or 
bike-a-thon. We set up our now BIKE-A-THON, and invited the Homeschooling Community to join us, but we didm't get any other participants.( Maybe next year) Miss M and Mr. G join him in his bike adventure, and they enjoy the beautiful September weather. 

Mr. W  set a goal of biking100 KM in the month of September. I wasn't quite sure if the kids would be able to do it, but they were able to reach their goal, and even surpassed it. I never should have doubted them. As a prize for reaching their goal I SURPRISED them with their very own BOOGIE BOARD!!!!!
This little Q-T PIE even joined in on the bike rides in her bike buggy.

Giant Bubbles

The boys came across an extremely nice couple today that will fix kids bikes in exchange for work done around their house. They also have a great solution for GIANT BUBBLES, and when I say giant I mean giant. Lucky for us they even had some solution mix, and wand for sale. Next time we will make our own wands, but just to get us started we bought one.

Friction Force

An other Mystery Science experiment day. Today we were finding out what type of materials have less friction by sliding them down a slide. The kids found out that smooth hard materials have less friction than soft, or rough ones.

Avocado Update # 2

We are taking a lot of PRIDE in our little 
Avocado Tree. It has been fun watching it grow bigger, and bigger. Hopefully it doesn't get to big and, over take the house.

Lunar Eclipse

Family Fun watching the LUNAR ECLIPSE