Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Big Storm

The Big Storm 
Miss M

Once there was a family that lived in Alaska, were it is cold. The Dads name was Luis, and the Moms name was Annie. The sons name was Jacob, and the little girls name was Zoe. One beautiful evening, Luis and Annie put Jacob and Zoe to bed. In the middle of the night there was a big storm! The wind was blowing so hard it broke branches off of trees. There was thunder, and lightning. When they woke up, they were cold. The storm had destroyed their house. It ripped off the siding, broke most of the windows, and there was a big hole in the roof. They noticed that there house was wrecked. Luis told Jacob and  Zoe to stay home and  try to stay warm, while he and Annie went to find someone to help fix their house. They went and asked lots of people if they could help them, but they were all to busy fixing their own homes. Luis and Annie went home with no one to help them. 
Jacob and Zoe had brought in a stack of fire wood from outside, and built a fire while their parents were gone to keep warm. That night they went to bed not knowing how they were going to fix the house. 
In the morning they heard lost of noise. They woke up, and went outside. They saw twenty people working on there house.The people were wearing yellow vest with hands on them. The helpers were from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Luis and his family were very grateful to have help fixing their home. 

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