Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Big Storm

The Big Storm 
Miss M

Once there was a family that lived in Alaska, were it is cold. The Dads name was Luis, and the Moms name was Annie. The sons name was Jacob, and the little girls name was Zoe. One beautiful evening, Luis and Annie put Jacob and Zoe to bed. In the middle of the night there was a big storm! The wind was blowing so hard it broke branches off of trees. There was thunder, and lightning. When they woke up, they were cold. The storm had destroyed their house. It ripped off the siding, broke most of the windows, and there was a big hole in the roof. They noticed that there house was wrecked. Luis told Jacob and  Zoe to stay home and  try to stay warm, while he and Annie went to find someone to help fix their house. They went and asked lots of people if they could help them, but they were all to busy fixing their own homes. Luis and Annie went home with no one to help them. 
Jacob and Zoe had brought in a stack of fire wood from outside, and built a fire while their parents were gone to keep warm. That night they went to bed not knowing how they were going to fix the house. 
In the morning they heard lost of noise. They woke up, and went outside. They saw twenty people working on there house.The people were wearing yellow vest with hands on them. The helpers were from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Luis and his family were very grateful to have help fixing their home. 

2 Clouds the Same?

Materials - cotton balls, cup of water, eye dropper, small bowl.Procedure - Have a partner hold a cotton ball over a small bowl as you slowly drop water into it. Count the drops of water you add to the cotton ball before it starts to drip water out the bottom. Repeat with a new dry cotton ball and see it they hold the same amount of water.
Results - No 2 cotton balls held the same amount of water droplets.
Conclusion - No 2 clouds hold the same amount of water vapour before it starts to rain.

Band Weaving

Miss M has jumped on the band weaving wagon. She got a kit this week and is learning very quickly how to make fun friendship bracelets for all her friends.

Pumpkin Pie

For Project Friday this past week , Miss M was given a recipe. She had to double the recipe, and gather all the ingredients accordingly. This task tested her skills in FRACTIONS, and following directions. It also included  home economics/life skills. She did a fabulous job, and they were very delicious.

New Addition

 Her name is Sandi, and yes she's a Chihuahua. This is a brave new adventure for us, but hopefully it will be a good one. One that will teach responsibility, and distract the little electronic addicted minds in our house, and  direct them to more wholesome activities.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sight Words & Reading

As we all know, sight words are an important part of the learning to read. As Mr. W becomes more confident with each word his ability to read stories by himself gets stronger and stronger. We started off with list and flash cards, and now have moved on to using these colourful popsicle sticks to keep things interesting and fun. Some times we play games with them to mix things up a bit. One game is to randomly pick 5-7 sticks out of the pile. Lay them out and try to make a funny sentence out of them.


Mr. W is always asking if he can grow different things, so when our Begonia plant got neglected over the holidays, and was looking a little worse for wear, we took a cutting of it. We stuck it in a blow of water and placed it in the window sill to get as much sunlight as possible. We are keeping track of its progress to see what happens. We will keep you posted with updated photos of its growth. The purpose of the experiment is to see if you can grow a Begonia from a cutting.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Pattern Blocks

Here are a few pictures of the kids creations they made out of the pattern blocks after math one day.

 Mr. W is really proud of  this beauty. He design and build by himself this awesome house for his lego guys that he got for Christmas. The building materials he used were wood popsicle sticks and hot glue.

Building Stuctures

Here is one example of the structures that the kids make as they play. This is a Farm house with a fenced yard and guest house. It also contains an animal shelter.

Holiday Crafts

As part of our recycling unit Miss M and I made this cute little bag. We used a pair of her old jeans were to small and had holes in them and. The legs of the pants went to making her brothers jean quilt and the top part was recycled into a new fashion accessory. 

These socking were a Christmas Eve activity to pass the time while we waited.