Friday, September 20, 2013

Self Protraits

I thought it would be fun for the kids do draw a self portrait.  Mr. W, was real excited for this. He sat down took, out him pencil and proceeded to draw himself until he was completely finish and could no longer think of details to add. Miss M, was a different story. She wanted to make her drawing look exactly how she saw herself in the mirror. The hardest part for her was the nose. We had a really good laugh as I sat and watched her draw, and redraw her nose many, many times. Finally she just gave up trying to make it perfect, and continued on with the rest of the drawing. I think the results were pretty fabulous myself.

Miss M
I love how she decided to make her hair go over her ears, so she did have to draw them.

Mr. W
My favourite part of his picture are the ears. Love the detail.

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