Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ice Ice Baby

Can states of matter really change? To answer this question, Miss. M wanted to see if she could change a liquid (water) into a solid (ice), and a liquid (water) into a gas (water vapor). For the first part of her experiment she filled an ice cube tray with water and placed it into the freezer for 4-5 hours. The freezer lowered the temperature of the water below zero degrees Celsius, and walla, the water (liquid) froze into ice (solid). The next step of her experiment was to see if she could change the ice(solid) back in to water (liquid). To do this she took the tray of ice cubes out of the freezer, and placed them onto the counter top. As she observed the ice cubes she noticed that it didn't take long before the ice started to melt back into water. For Miss. M's final test she sprayed a plate with water (liquid) form a water bottle and placed the plate outside in the hot sun. After waiting a few hours she checked back one the plate, and much to her surprise the water was gone. It had turned into water vapor (gas).
Miss. M then concluded that you can indeed change the state of matter.

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