Thursday, April 21, 2011


If you are looking for a fun new way to dye easter eggs here is a great way to do it. Even little hands can enjoy the fun with no spilling dye everywhere or waiting for your turn with the dye.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Building Things

M and B had a unit in science this year about building things. We discussed different building materials and designs. We learned which designs are stronger than others and which types of material work better then others for different purposes. Uncle R and Aunt S are building a new house on the other side of the one next to us, and it has been fun to watch and the workers do there jobs. It was been educational for the kids to see what they have learned be put to use in life. It is one thing to read about something and look at picture and build scale models, but to have them be able to see it in real life is wonderful. As the basement was being prepared for the cement B noticed they were cutting up rebar to put reinforce the cement. It was great that instead of asking what they were doing. He just told me why they were doing it.

I love to see my children's faces light up when they have knowledge of how and why things work in this world. Learning an important part of life, and I really feel that there is more to learning than sitting in a classroom and reading out of a book. I believe when children can see with there own eyes, or do with there own hands there understanding and knowledge of the subject at hand is increased and they will have greater retention of that knowledge for future use.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Winter Fun
By B.C.

I kick the ball with all my might! The crowd freezes in anticipation. It’s good! The fans go wild. We need exercise to keep our bodies healthy and strong. My favorite way to get exercise in the winter time is by playing sport games on the X-box. There are many different types of sports to play, but I like soccer the most.
Target Kick, Super Saver, and Super Strike are soccer games on the X-box that get my heart pumping. They are aerobic exercises. That means they exercise my heart. They also help me exercise my leg and arm muscles. I have to constantly use my leg muscle to kick the ball, and I have to block the ball with my arms.
In winter, it’s fun to play sports on the X-box for exercise. It helps keep my bodies healthy and strong.