Thursday, December 1, 2016

Lest We Forget

This year we all helped set up for REMEMBRANCE DAY. We put up Canada Flags up all over the neighbourhood, and then we went to the town program.

Miss M and the Sumo Bot

Miss. M joined a robotics club this year. For their first project they built sumo wrestling robots, and programmed them to fight. Here is a little video we made of the wrestling matches.

Mr. W's Seeonee Award Project

You might be thinking Seeonee Award what is a Seeonee award. Well, it is a new Cub Scout award. It is a top section award like the Chief Scout Award. In order for the boy to earn it they have to earn 10 Outdoor Adventure Skill levels, have 15 hours of service, and complete a meaningful project to help the community.  Mr. W wanted to make blankets to donate to the Woman's Shelter.  We decided to invite the other Howlers in his cub group to help. It was a lot of work, but it was also a lot of fun. I am so proud of Mr.W and his hard work in cub over the last 3 years. 

Halloween 2016

Just a few pictures from Halloween this Year.

Home Ec.

Little Miss. M wanted to be Red Riding Hood for Halloween. We went shopping for the perfect cape, but we found out that it didn't exist in out price range anyways. That's where the thrift and dollar store come in. Miss M. was able to find a decent costume at the local Thrift Village, but wasn't too impressed with the cape. It need some doctoring, so we headed for the Dollar Tree.  After picking out some ribbon and lace we headed home to start work on our project.

After much deliberation we were able to make the decision of how we were exactly going to  attach the trimmings. The results, as you can see, are not to shabby. In fact I was quite pleased with them, and so was she.

Flag Football 2016

The boys really love there football. They were so excited this year to play on the new ARTIFICIAL TURF FEILD.  We may come from a small town, but there is nothing small about the way we do sports especially when it comes to FOOTBALL.
Mr.W and his tough football player face.

Mr.G in the blue shirt on the lefthand side.
Mr.G was especially excited that they opened up a K-2 division because that meant he did't have to wait an other year to play.