Friday, May 27, 2016

Kub Kar Time 2016

This year Mr W. wanted to make a TRUCK with a functioning tailgate. I informed him that, that might not be the fastest design, but if that's what he wanted the by all means go ahead.  Turns out I was wrong because he got 1st place this year.
 Mr. W and Miss M made a car of their own this year too.


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Valentine 2016

The kids made cupcakes to share with the neighbourhood kids.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Outrun A Dino

 The Mystery Science experiment today was to see if the kids could outrun a dinosaur that was approximately the same size as they were. The conclusion was that they all had large enough steps to out run this particular dinosaur except little Miss A.


Skate Park

Science today was a little unconventional. You don't always have to be in a classroom to learn about simple machines. The kids had a blast experimenting with WHEELS, and INCLINED PLANES(RAMPS).  The weather wasn't the warmest, but that never stopped the kids from enjoying the skate park. Getting outside and enjoying the earth under your feet always make us feel better.  They would be here ever day if we lived closer.