Thursday, September 24, 2015


 For Science Class this year we are using an online program called Mystery Science. The program has interesting videos to watch, and an activity to follow.  The kids loved the videos, and they really enjoyed the activity. This was an activity we did that went along with their first lesson on FORCES. It had easy clear video instructions to follow, as well as a hand out.   The kids were even talking about FORCES all week long. They would explaining how their HOPPERS worked, and why they hopped. Was this a successful lesson? I think so, and the best part was I didn't have to even really think that much about it. The videos are very thorough.


Thursday, September 10, 2015

First 5k

The kids participated in their first 5K run over the September long weekend at the Bow Valley Park in Calgary Albert. I forgot to take pictures of the though.(my bad). Little Miss A and I had fun throwing rocks in the river with dad while the kids ran.  At end of the run there was a raffle draw for a Hydo-Pack , and Mr. W 

Soap Carving

We started the new SCHOOL YEAR off with making some soap carvings. It is always hard, at least for me, to let summer break go. We take our time getting back into the swing of things. Usually starting off with a few fun projects, and activities. Then we bring back in the meat of things like math, social, science, and english.

Avocado Growth Update

It has been a very, very, very slow start, but the whole process is coming along nicely now. The kids are very excited about their Avocado Tree.

Potato Rockets

One of the thing that I enjoy the most about HOMESCHOOLING is that we can learn where we go. Learning isn't always planned, but sometimes opportunities come along that fit perfectly into the curriculum. This was one of those days. We were out at a cousins house for a BBQ to get to know some family members a little bit better. After we ate, one of my cousins brought out a POTATO ROCKET LAUNCHER he had built. We discussed safety rules, and what potential devastating consequences could occur if the rules were not followed. Then we explained the science behind it contraption and had a BLAST (no pun intended). Everyone wanted a turn to shoot the rocket. Even the 2 year old.

Here is an example of what all the excitement was all about.

Summer 2015

 Summer has come and gone now. We had a lot of fun this summer. We played hard with family and friends, and enjoyed the hot weather. It is starting to change seasons now and get a bit cooler outside. I really enjoy the Fall season, and we are looking to continue enjoying the outdoors.


July 1st!!!! 2015

 We had a great time Celebrating the Birthday of our Nation. We watched a fantastic parade, ate a BBQ picnic in a park, and enjoyed a gymkhana rodeo. Mr. G was very excited to ride a sheep. He did so good. I told him to not let go no matter what, so he got drug a bit. He was ok though, and wanted to do it again.