Wednesday, April 22, 2015

5 Dangerous Things To Let Kids Do - Part 1

I watched a Ted Talks on 5 dangerous things you should let kids do, and I thought they would make great spring/summer activities. Here are some pictures of the first activity. I will have to admit it was a little nerve racking at first, but it was also really fun. It was interesting see the different ways that the kids interacted with the flames. Each kid was different just like their personalities. My oldest how is very cautious was very nervous for every one involved, right down to Mr. G who stared out with a small stick and ended up with a 6 foot or so LOG.

We had a supply of WATER close by incase of any accidents.

Signs of Spring 2015

Signs of SPRING around our place
First off we have the SPRING CHICKEN
Back to the BARN(not to sure about the noisy sheep)

Sighting in the 22/Gun Safty Lessons

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

94 Years

 We Celebrated my Grosmueti's (Grandma) 94th BIRTHDAY  this Easter. She is a very special lady with a rich history. She has seen the World change in a variety of ways. Her Legacy includes 10 children (more if you could the unfortunate still born) and countless grand and great grand children. ( I say countless because there are over 100)

Easter 2015

We didn't really do anything out of the ordinary for Easter this year. We just stuck with the traditional egg dying with cousins. The only thing a little different this year were the home made chocolate marshmallow eggs. ( I actually cheated a bit and just melted store bought marshmallows in the microwave. I also skipped the oil covered spoon, and just put water and butter on my hands). I remembered that my mom used to make these for Easter, or did once when I was a kid. They turned out pretty good. One thing that I would do differently is use milk chocolate to cover the eggs and coloured chocolate to drizzle on top. I actually ended up sucking up the chocolate into a syringe and drizzling the chocolate over top. It gave me more of the end result I had pictured in my head.