Monday, December 7, 2015

Volcano Experiments

This fun experiment was from Mystery Science. It taught "how differences in lava types explain differences in the shape and eruption patterns among volcanoes."

All things Halloween 2015

Ward Halloween party
This whole week felt like one BIG party. Everyday had a new reason to dress up and go out. I really like dressing up and letting the kids have fun, when the weather is nice that is.

They won Best Couple Costume

Dressing up Squirt for the Halloween Horse Show 

Rainbow Bright and Twink from Rainbow Bright
Eating a donut of a string on a horse

Convict and a Lumber Jack

Giant pumpkin Mr. G pick out of the U-Pick Garden 

This was my Dance Uniform from High School

Flag Football

MR. W played flag football this year. He loved every minute of it. The highlight of the season for him was his 2 long bomb touchdown passed he caught. He will make a great RECEIVER one day just like his dad. I love to see the light in my kids eyes when they get to participate in something they love.

Thanksgiving in the Park 2K15

We went to our cousins house to spend Thanksgiving as a family. The weather was so unbelievably nice we were in t-shirts. We enjoyed a wonderful picnic followed by games in the park.

Road Trip Craziness

This is what happens when the boys get ahold of my phone in the car.