Friday, September 19, 2014

Popcorn Time

Mr W. made a tin can lantern at Cubs, and came up with an experiment to see if he could pop popcorn seeds on it. The first time he tried all he did was put a metal lid on top of the light lantern, and then he put a popcorn seed on the lid. He waited and waited but all that happened was the seed 
got a little burnt on the bottom. 

For his next attempt he decided it needed a little bit of oil to help it pop, so he added a few drops of oil and a new seed. Then waited and waited to no avail.  

After the second failed attempt he decided that the seed wasn't getting hot enough. He figured if we sealed the seed inside the lid with tinfoil that the heat would get trapped inside and help pop the seed. We also added a few more seeds just incase we didn't hear the first one pop. Then we waited and waited very quietly for the pop of the popcorn seed. 

At last we heard the beautiful sound of popping popcorn seeds.