Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Kub Kar Rally 2014

As you can see from his face Mr.W was very pleased with his KUB KAR. It was not the fastest car there, but it wasn't the slowest either. He had fun designing and building the car all by himself (minus the actual cutting out of the car). The kids had a fun time racing the cars and there were no tears this time which is a good thing.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Science SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW day was quite entertaining. The kids got to bring a science experiment they had prepared, and show it to an audience. They explained how or why their experiment worked and demonstrated it for all to see. Oh, and best part was the snack at the end when they got to make molecules out of different fruits and berries.

Lego Igloo

Lego Igloos complete with Inuksuk. 

Birthday Time

Birthday time for Mr W.  Due to our recent Inuit Unit in Social, the request for this special occasions cake was an IGLOO cake. To take it even farther he wanted rainbow colours inside. Taking every opportunity to learn, we made the cake making into a science experiment. COLOR MIXING WITH CAKE MIX! We looked on pinterst for some ideas and mixed 2 together. This blog explained how to make the cake part, but we didn't like to decorating part so we went with this Picture for the marshmallow idea. All in all I think it turner out pretty great, and the birthday boy was very pleased with it.  P.S. It took almost a whole bag of marshmallows, that was unexpected.