Friday, October 24, 2014

Cattle Drive

In sticking with the idea we learn by doing, what better way to learn about agriculture than by firsthand experience.  This is our CATTLE DRIVE.  It was filled with horse riding, cattle round up, separating cattle, vaccinating, casterating, and tagging. We can't forget all the family fun too.

Pony Spa Day

 We just love our riding lessons and, so do the ponies.

First Horse Show

Miss M participated in her first HORSE SHOW this past summer. She was on top of the world, and so excited to be in the ring. There are many things that have to be done before a show besides practicing on you horse.
There is the tac that needs to be cleaned.

The horse that needs to be bathed and groomed.

Then you have to saddle the horse, and you can't forget all the riding. She was the youngest in her category, and managed to win some ribbons.


 This is Miss M. all dressed up for the English Riding Day.

 This is my beaming Cowgirl.

Water Melon Weigh In

Mr B is getting so  BIG these days. This is a project he did with his Scout Group. These are some of the ones he grew. 

He also grew some YELLOW and ORANGE watermelons. They where very tasty, and yes they do all taste different.


Home Canning

The month of September brings commencement of a number of activities. Clogging, ballet, piano, horse riding, sport teams, SCHOOL, and the onset of a new season which brings to canning season.  This year the kids wanted to do the peaches all by themselves. They did a pretty good job. All I had to do was make sure no one got burnt with the boiling hot water bath.

Incorporating school work into our everyday living has always proved a great way for us to connect what we are learning with the ever looming question, "WHY do we have to learn this?"

I love seeing the look on there faces when they accomplish something they really wanted to do. It is pure joy and happiness.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Popcorn Time

Mr W. made a tin can lantern at Cubs, and came up with an experiment to see if he could pop popcorn seeds on it. The first time he tried all he did was put a metal lid on top of the light lantern, and then he put a popcorn seed on the lid. He waited and waited but all that happened was the seed 
got a little burnt on the bottom. 

For his next attempt he decided it needed a little bit of oil to help it pop, so he added a few drops of oil and a new seed. Then waited and waited to no avail.  

After the second failed attempt he decided that the seed wasn't getting hot enough. He figured if we sealed the seed inside the lid with tinfoil that the heat would get trapped inside and help pop the seed. We also added a few more seeds just incase we didn't hear the first one pop. Then we waited and waited very quietly for the pop of the popcorn seed. 

At last we heard the beautiful sound of popping popcorn seeds.