Monday, November 11, 2013

Remembrance Day

Today we remember the Men and Women that were brave, and fought for our FREEDOM
 that we enjoy today. Some of them paid the price with their lives, and for that we are TRULY GREATFUL. This young man is honoured to dress in his Scout uniform, and take place in the ceremony at the epitaph with the war VETERANS of our town today.

It is amazing the wonderful things you can find while enjoying the creation of God. We came across this beaver dam one day as we were exploring the hill sides near my husbands family ranch.  The kids thought it was awesome that an animal could build it all by himself.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Halloween 2013

Just a little Halloween fun. The kids wanted to carve a Minion pumpkin,so we printed off a pattern from the internet and away we went. The best part for me was that Miss M couldn't stand the smell of the pumpkin. She tried really hard to help with the cleaning out of the pumpkin by plugging her nose, but she was still gaging.

Their costumes were great this year; a cowgirl , purple minion dressed up as black spiderman, skeleton bone man, damentor from the Harry Potter books, and my favourite a Cabbage Patch Kid.

After the trick or treating is all over I bring the pumpkin in the house, and chop it up to make pumpkin pie filling. You know you have a fairly large pumpkin when it fills 2 large pots .