Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Just a few pics of the day at riding lessons. The kids are learning to catch and halter their horses, and properly groom and take care of them.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Gas Balloon

A little demonstration on how mixing different substances can make a reaction. In this case vinegar and baking soda.

Fall Bunting

This year for our Fall/ Thanksgiving craft we made these adorable buntings. I found the idea on Pinterest. The site even had free printables, so all I had to do was print them off. The FALL lettering was our own touch.

More Tasty Tuesdays

Not a very good picture, but this dish was welcomed nicely.  Southwest Rice and Black Beans. I even made it with homemade salsa. It was very simple and quick to make. If I remember right, my kids that just LOVE sour cream add a dollop to top theirs off. 
This next one was an original creation inspired by recipes I had been looking up on line. It is essentially pasta and spaghetti sauce I just added in Bavarian sausage, zucchini, and any other veggies I wanted like green pepper, mushrooms, corn. etc. Then we sprinkled parmesan cheese on top.

The last meal for this post is Beef Stew. My kiddos don't really like eating soups, so this was not as big a hit as I was hoping with them. On the other hand My hubby and I enjoyed it. I made homemade buns to go with it otherwise this one would have been a complete flop.