Monday, January 7, 2013

Home Made Goodness

One way for the kids to learn about healthy eating is to have them read the labels on products. We are trying to stay as far away as possible from additives and preservatives that our bodies don't need. One way to have a treat and not get all the extra additives is to make it yourself.
  Making homemade treats in Life Skills has turned out to be one of the funnest parts of our school year. Some of the items we have made are healthy, but not all of them. I know I have enjoyed them immensely.
Lemon Meringue Pie
Cinnimon Bread
Garlic Bread Sticks

Fall Fun

One of the first art projects we did this year were fall landscapes with hand and fingure prints.  I let the kids pick thier own colors and away they went. After we were all done with the painting, B noticed that each picture was a different time of day, and followed the sun as it set.

Horse Riding Lessons

With the start of a new school year the kids wanted to forcus a portion of their learning on riding lessons. I was really impressed with the results that came from our experience with W last year, that I thought it was a great idea. The kids spent all summer selling raffle tickets on a quilt thier aunt made for them. They were able to raise quite a bit of money for thier lessons that way. Their motivation in selling the ticket showed me how much they really wanted the riding lessons.