Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Caterpillar Coins Update

The Caterpillar Coin Insentive Program has been working really well. B and M are starting to read in their spare time to earn more coins. I have made a few changes to the program. I give the kids a coin for every 15 minutes read, and I also reward them for super good behavior and acts of kindness.

I made the coins differnt colors as well. Yellow are worth 1, Blue are worth 5, Purple are worth 10, and Green are worth 20. I made them the same color and value as our money so the kids can learn how to interchange the coins, and hopefully that will help make counting money easier.

Here is a picture of our Caterpillar Coin collecting chart.

Valentine`s Day Pizza

Who doesn't love special Holiday Treats? This year for Valentine's Day I wanted to keep it simple, yet exciting. I made the kids a surprise Valentine Pizza supper. All that it took was cutting the meat for the top of the pizza in a heart shape. The results were spectacular. The kids were excited, and the pizza looked great and tasted great too.