Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Take Me out to the Ball Game

 Spring was very welcomed this year after a very windy winter season. Our physical education has benefited from the warm weather as we are able to take our activities out side. Baseball has been family time this spring as we are all helping B to practice and get ready for his baseball games this year. He is really excited to be on a baseball team this year.  Being on this baseball team has helped B with a number of different subjects. It has helped him learn about levers, got him active for P.E., and help him fulfill a cub requirement to get a new badge.

Just Dance

This year Mother Earth through us a surprise snow storm during our dance recital. M, B and W all performed this year. B and W both did clogging numbers and M did her ballet agian this year. They all did wonderfully, and I was so proud of them all.

Caterpiller Collection Store

After earning caterpillar coins for along time it was time to visit the store and spend our coins. There were lots of things to choose from. Items included: Swim Lesson and a new towel certificate, bouncy balls, art project, airplane flyers, mirrors, colouring books, and Lego Hero building sets. The kids had the opportunity to count  their coins, and then had to figure out what they could afford to purchase now or if they had to do more reading and kind deeds to earn more coins.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Kub Kar Time

Building a car using a simple machine is ever more fun when you get to race it with your friends. B had lots of fun with is dad and uncle designing and building his Kub Kar this year. It was designed after the transformer Optimus Prime. They pay attention to every small detail, but in order for it to be light enough to race, some accessories had to be removed, and the under side had to be hollowed out.

B's Kar wasn't the fastest, but in my books it had the best design, and looked the coolest. His Kub Kar is #13

Christmas Time

The family enjoys the holidays with family and friends while celebrating the birth of our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. It's a time to gather to make memories, sing songs, and put on concerts. It brings joy to our hearts to give service to others at this time in our live that the world takes to think more about others then we do about ourselves.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Space Monsters

Learning how to make Birthday Cupcakes is definitely a life skill that everyone should have. These are not nutritious, but every cute and fun to make.
You have to be careful though because you might turn into a space monsters after you eat one like Little G.

Surfs Up!

Social studies can be a slash. Taking in one of Alberta's most famous tourist attractions in the capital city at the West Edmonton Water Park. 

Ice Skills

Taking to the ice, and learning how to skate for M and W was one of our Physical Education highlights this year. B worked hard on honing his previously learned skills and a great time was had by all. Little G even had a try on the slippery surface.


 Dressing up and running around for candy is always fun, especially if you get to do it with friends and family. Here are just a few snap shots of that fun day in 2011.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Marathon of Hope
Mr. B

Terrance Stanley Fox was born on July 28, 1958. He died on June 28, 1981 of bone cancer after trying to run across Canada.
Terry Fox was the second oldest of four children. Terry’s Mothers name was Betty, and his fathers name was Rolly. Terry worked very hard to achieve his goals, for example he practicing hard everyday so he could be on the High school basketball team even though he was small. Terry Fox got bone cancer when he was in college in his right leg and had to have it amputated in 1977.
Terry got a prosthetic leg to help him walk. He wanted to end cancer. Terry wanted to ran across Canada to raise money for cancer research. Terry’s plan was to run 26 miles a day. He was going to start at the Atlantic Ocean then run to the Pacific Ocean. The name of his run was the Marathon of Hope. He started on April 12, 1980 in New Found Land. He ran 3,339 miles in bad weather in 143 days. He almost ran all the way to Thunder Bay Ontario where he was forced to stop on Sept 1, 1980 because his cancer spread to his lungs. He later died June 28, 1981.
Terry Fox is national hero because he was brave, and he showed the world that we can do hard things. He was awarded the Order of Canada. The Terry Fox Run is held every year to help us remember his World Wide Legacy, and help raise money for cancer research.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Caterpillar Coins Update

The Caterpillar Coin Insentive Program has been working really well. B and M are starting to read in their spare time to earn more coins. I have made a few changes to the program. I give the kids a coin for every 15 minutes read, and I also reward them for super good behavior and acts of kindness.

I made the coins differnt colors as well. Yellow are worth 1, Blue are worth 5, Purple are worth 10, and Green are worth 20. I made them the same color and value as our money so the kids can learn how to interchange the coins, and hopefully that will help make counting money easier.

Here is a picture of our Caterpillar Coin collecting chart.

Valentine`s Day Pizza

Who doesn't love special Holiday Treats? This year for Valentine's Day I wanted to keep it simple, yet exciting. I made the kids a surprise Valentine Pizza supper. All that it took was cutting the meat for the top of the pizza in a heart shape. The results were spectacular. The kids were excited, and the pizza looked great and tasted great too.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Valetine's Craft

For Valentine Day this year we were going make heart shaped wreaths that I saw on a friends blog. The tutorial can be found here. The tutorial shows a round wreath, but my friend used a heart shaped wreath which I wanted to use as well. When I went to the craft store to get a heart shaped foam wreath I couldn't find one. I didn't want make a round wreath for Valentine's Day, so I was just about to forgo the whole project when I had an idea. I could make my own design up using the circle folding method found in the tutorial. I bought a large rectangle styrofoam like board and many sheets of colorful felt material. I think the board was meant for flower arrangements, but it worked well for our purpose too. The kids immensely enjoyed this craft, as did I because it was simple, clean,quick, and best of all super cute.

Here is the tutorial for how we made our LOVE board.

Material needed:

1. lots of long strait pins
2. felt material to cut in to circles
3. foam board

The first thing that we did was make letters out of paper to trace on our board. We used a ruler to make block letters , but you can draw your own or make them on the computer and print them off.

Then we place the letters on our board and arranged them the way we wanted and pinned them in place with straight pins.
After pinning the letters in place we traced them on the board with a pencil, or pen.

Then we outlined the letters with the folded felt circles.

After out lining the letters we filled them in.

After you outline and fill in all the letters then you are ready to fill in the rest of the board, and your project will be finished.