Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Story Writing

B and M put thier heads together to write a story about going to the dentist. Here is the result of thier hard work.

A Trip to the Dentist

One summer afternoon while Fred the crocodile was eating his lunch he cracked his tooth on a chicken bone.
Fred went and told Mama Croc that he hurt his tooth.
Mama Croc told Fred that she would make an appointment with the dentist, Dr. Hippo. “Dr. Hippo is the most genius dentist in the jungle. He will fix your tooth.” Mama Croc explained.
Fred was a little nervous about going to the dentist. He wasn’t sure about someone looking in his mouth, and fixing his tooth.
Mama Croc told Fred not to worry. She put her arm around him, and sat him down on Papa Croc’s chair.
Mama Croc told Fred about the little mirror and pick Dr. Hippo would use to look in his mouth. She told him about the mint flavoured numbing gel he would put in his mouth, so Fred wouldn’t have to feel anything while Dr. Hippo fixed his tooth.
Mama Croc told Fred that Dr. Hippo saves the best part for last. Fred would get a new tooth brush, and he would get to pick a prize out of Dr. Hippo’s special green prize box.
After Mama Croc described to Fred what the dentist would be like he wasn’t nervous anymore about going. He was even a little excited to get a new tooth brush and a prize.
The next day Mama Croc and Fred went to the dentist to get his tooth fixed.