Friday, August 12, 2011

Rock Painting

If your kids are anything like mine they love to collect things. We have had a rock collection piling up on my front deck all summer. Instead of looking at a big pile of rock the kids had a great idea to make them into something. We got out the acrylic paints and let our imaginations take over. Here are the results. I think they are pretty impressive.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Gardening Update

It has been a few months now since we planted the garden, and all the hard work is starting to pay off. The kids and I had fresh peas with our lunch after a long hot morning of weeding last week. Reaping the rewards makes is so worth it. This gardening experiment has taught us many things about plants, and what they need to grow. Some of the things we have learned so far is that the plants will thrive when they have a bit of water everyday, and they are weeded so they do not have to compete for the water and nutrients.