Friday, January 28, 2011


M told me that our school room walls were boring, and we need some pictures on them. We went to shopping and she found some stretched canvases with outlines of pictures on them at the Dollarama that she could paint. Here are a few that she has completed. B has one that is still in progress. We will post it when it is done. I love the ray of sunshine that M brings into my life. She brightens up even the cloudiest days. I love her choice of color combinations and if you look closely she brings the two paintings together with the tiny little bird that matches the butterfly.

Thanksgiving Turkeys

These little turkeys were really fun to make. I got the pattern Here. They were easy and didn't take much time. We didn't use all suggested materials from the pattern. We improvised with what we had in the craft box. M, and B had so much fun that W and even little G made one too.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sedimentary Rock

While we were studying about rocks and minerals, B and I made a small simulation of how sedimentary rock is formed. The first thing we did was gather our materials. M and B collected different materials to form our rock. They collected things like shale, sand, dirt, clay, gravel, and small pebbles. The other thing we needed for out experiment was a glass jar about 1/2 full of water. We used about a 1L glass jar. B said that this jar represented the ocean. We then put our samples in order of the particle size from largest to smallest. We put the pebbles in the jar, or in our ocean starting with the largest. The pebbles settled very easily and quickly at the bottom of the ocean. So then we added some gravel. After we added the gravel B observed that he couldn't see in the water very good anymore. We decided to let the gravel settle for a day. After adding each sample the water was clouded, so we let the particles settle for a day and then added an other component. B noticed that the smaller particles fell down and filled in the spaces between the larger rocks in the layer below. When we were all done adding our samples we let the water completely evaporate. This took more than a few days, but when the water was gone we had our very own sedimentary rock.

Monday, January 24, 2011

M and I made this apron at one of the first Daughter's of Eve activities this year. Now that she owned an apron she wanted to try it out. We went home, and she made supper all by herself. When her dad walked in the door that night after work she exclaimed "We're having Waffles!"

Getting Started

I am trying out this blogging thing to see if it is for me. So far I am not sure. I think it will be a fun way for my kids to showcase their fun projects they make and do during home school and such. If I can figure it out I think it will be lots of fun.